SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Bulk Actions

Company > Blog > Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions: Select All (50+)
July 26, 2024

Previously, bulk actions could only be performed for up to 50 items at a time. We’re excited to announce that we recently made a change that allows bulk actions to be completed for as many items as necessary at one time by “selecting all”.

This change helps to save users time and makes performing bulk actions simpler. Rather than going page by page and performing a bulk action multiple times, the action will only need to be completed once for all items. With just one action in the system, all documents can be removed from a user’s Caseload at the end of the year, or all documents that are ready to be completed can be marked complete.

This can be done on all list pages (documents, students, users, etc.), and works for most actions in the Actions menu*. When performing a bulk action for more than 50 items, the action will be queued and the user may navigate away from the page. When the action has finished, the user will receive a notification letting them know if the action failed or was successful.

To complete bulk actions for more than 50 items:

  1. Navigate to a document list page.
  2. Apply filters as necessary.
  3. Click on the Select All checkbox in the top left corner of the page.
    • Clicking on the checkbox will only select the first 50 items, but you will get a popup at the top of the page allowing you to select all items (if filters are applied, all items returned in the search).
  4. Click Select all # items.
  5. Choose which action you would like to perform in bulk.
    • Once you select the action, it will be queued and you may navigate away from the page until the action is completed.

Bulk action notifications

* This will not work for printing, sharing, copying to a new document, or collapsing student records. These actions have a limit of 50 at a time.
