Simplify Special Programs
Simplify Special Programs
SameGoal is a modern, user-friendly documentation, management and compliance platform for Special Programs.

Trusted by 1000+ local education agencies
Including public districts, private schools, charter school networks, educational service centers and state agencies


Maximize specialized staff time and resources
According to the National Coalition on Personnel Shortages in Special Education and Related Services, 98% of school districts report special education staff shortages. Leading causes include excessive time spent on paperwork and unmanagable workloads.

SameGoal helps specialized staff save hundreds of hours each year with tools that speed work, foster collaboration and streamline communication.
  • Autosave
  • Real-time collaborative editing
  • Document history visible for all document collaborators
  • In-application chat
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Staff retention
High quality delivery of Special Programs

Transform how you invest your time
Many program administrators report spending large portions of their time manually reviewing documentation for compliance, creating resources to support staff understanding, and manually tracking and communicating deadlines.

SameGoal helps administrators free up time for important, strategic work necessary for improving district special programs.
  • Documents cannot be marked complete until all checks pass
  • Checks include both content and state reporting
  • Embedded state and federal content guidance
  • Automatic deadline notifications and calendar
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Improve parental involvement and satisfaction
Many districts report difficulty sharing documents electronically with parents, providing both forms and form content in parent native languages, and clearly, consistently communicating student progress.

SameGoal helps districts streamline communication with parents and foster greater positive involvement.
  • Share documents electronically with parents easily
  • Parents can view & sign electronically on their phone
  • Document edits during team meetings appear in real-time
  • Automatic form & field translation to other languages
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Parent communication
General education involvement

Streamline communication with the staff most special needs students spend the majority of their time with
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, over 60% of students with disabilities spend more than 80% of their time in general education classes. This number is even higher for students participating in other special programs (Section 504, gifted, etc).

SameGoal helps ensure all staff are aware of the education, accommodations and services students they teach are entitled to.
  • Plans authored in SameGoal appear automatically in your student information system when integrated
  • General education staff may be given access to contribute directly to evaluations, plans and progress reporting
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Use tools and automations to systematically address critical district considerations
While most districts rank state and federal compliance as critical district priorities, many lack systematic tools to address them. Manual processes used in their absence are often error-prone and waste time.

SameGoal helps districts systematize and streamline compliance.
  • Real-time compliance checks
  • Documentation and state reporting cannot get out of sync
  • Automatic deadline indicators and notifications
  • 360° document history
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Compliance, legal & funding risk mitigation
A unified platform for Special Programs
Special Education
SameGoal Special Education helps districts manage IEPs, evaluations, progress reporting and all related documentation using state-published forms aligned with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Help ensure your district provides a free appropriate public education to all eligible children with disabilities. As many as 14% of all public school students receive special education.
Section 504
SameGoal Section 504 helps districts manage 504 evaluations, plans and related documentation using forms aligned with their federal civil rights obligations to students under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Ensure children with impairments such as food allergies, diabetes, anxiety disorders or mild ADHD receive services and accommodations when found legally eligible. 1-2% of all public school students are served by 504 plans.
Advanced Learners
SameGoal Advanced Learners helps districts promote equitable gifted identification, systematize documentation and track progress for advanced learners. Bolster your state and local gifted education programs with comprehensive forms and standard workflows. As many as 6% of all public school students are enrolled in gifted education.
SameGoal English Learners helps districts track English Learner program eligibility, placement and services year over year. Forms, reports and embedded content guidance is aligned to help districts meet their federal civil rights obligations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Over 9% of all public school students are English language learners.
K-4 Literacy
SameGoal K-4 Literacy helps districts document, systematize and report progress on prevention and intervention strategies for each student not reading on grade level by the end of grade three. In 2015, roughly two out of three fourth graders failed to score proficient in reading, making literacy improvement necessary for over 7% of public school students.
Unified Platform
While each program serves a subset of students, not uncommonly over one-third of all district students are served by Special Programs. More than many other district functions, these programs:

  • Carry federal and state compliance obligations
  • Are common sources of district lawsuits
  • Involve high-priced services and professionals
  • Impact the overall reputation of the district
SameGoal's unified platform for Special Programs helps districts document compliance and manage services for all district programs in a single, easy to use platform that integrates with their student information system.

Learn how SameGoal can help your district