SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Delete Buildings

Support > Online Guides > Administrative Guide > Delete Buildings

Buildings should only be deleted if they were created in error. Buildings that are no longer in use that still have historical students attached should be inactivated. Inactive buildings can be included in reports, but deleted buildings cannot.

A building can only be deleted if there are no students associated with that building; students will first need to be reassigned. If associated students only need to be reassigned to one other building, consider merging the buildings rather than reassigning students and deleting the building.

Delete buildings link

To delete a building:

  1. If the building has students associated with it, navigate to Students / create new.
  2. Use the buildings filter to search for students in the building you wish to delete.
    • You may need to include inactive or deleted students in your search.
  3. Select all students that need to be reassigned.
    • You can only reassign students one building at a time.
  4. Click on the Actions dropdown and select Change building.
  5. Choose a building to move the student(s) to and select Change.
  6. Once all students have been reassigned, go to Settings > Buildings.
  7. Select the building you wish to delete.
  8. Click on the Actions dropdown and select Delete.
