SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

District Information

Support > Online Guides > Administrative Guide > District Information

District name link

District name is printed in the header or footer of many forms.

To update your district's name as printed to forms:

  1. Visit Settings > District Information > Details.
  2. Update District Name. Changes are autosaved.
  3. Any document that prints district name will reflect these changes the next time print preview is generated for the document.

District reporting ID link

Your district's Reporting ID is commonly used when generating state reporting extracts. For this reason, each SameGoal environment should only be used by exactly one district/local education agency.

To update your district's reporting ID:

  1. Visit Settings > District Information > Details.
  2. Update District Reporting ID. Changes are autosaved.
  3. Changes apply immediately and are reflected in all subsequent state reporting extracts.

District contact information link

District contact information (main, technical and billing) allows SameGoal staff to easily contact correct district staff as needed throughout the year to best support your district.

To add or update district contact information:

  1. Visit Settings > District Information > Details.
  2. Click the add District Contact Information button (if needed).
  3. Add or update each contact as needed. Information will autosave.
  4. Update this information whenever district contacts change.

Local help desk information link

Local help desk information (eg for a local support partner or district staff) entered in district settings is displayed to all logged in district users when they click their username (top right), and select Help. Local helpdesk information appears above general SameGoal help desk information on the support page.

To add or update local help desk information:

  1. Visit Settings > District Information > Details.
  2. Click the add Local Help Desk Contact Information button.
  3. Enter information such as title, hours, phone and email.
  4. If there are multiple local help resources, you may add additional entries by clicking the button again.
  5. Delete any unnecessary entries by clicking the X for each as needed.
  6. Updates to local help desk information will autosave. You may view your changes live on the support page.

lightbulb Tip
You must be logged in to see local help desk information listed.
