Once a report has been generated, there are a few tools you can use to navigate the results.
Sort your report by column by clicking the dropdown arrow in any column next to the column name. Select A-Z or Z-A to sort the data in ascending or descending order respectively.
*Sorting functionality is available to users on the Plus or Pro Edition of SameGoal.
Columns with less than 1,000 unique values can be filtered by the available values in the column. To apply a filter, click the dropdown arrow next to the column name (under sort options). Check or uncheck the values you wish to include in the filter. Once the desired filter values have been selected, click OK.
*Filtering functionality is available to users on the Plus or Pro Edition of SameGoal.
Hover over the border in the header of the column you wish to adjust. A double-sided arrow will appear. Click the border to adjust column width. Alternatively, double click the header to adjust column width to the width of the values in the column.
When a report is pulling information directly from a document, the first column will contain a link directly to the document. If you want to open the document that the information is being pulled from, click on Doc in the left column.
Once a report has generated, users may leverage the following options in the menu in the top right.
Report options (circle with an 'i' icon): View the options that were used for the current report.
Other open reports (bar graph icon): View reports that have been generated on other tabs. Users can hover over the info icon to see the report options and click the arrow icon to have the desired report window title bar flash with an ellipsis and the blue icon making the report easier to find.
Reload (circular arrow icon): Reload the report with existing parameters. This is helpful if the user has used web report results to update documents and wish to see new results.
Clear filters (crossed out funnel): Remove any filters that are currently set.
Edit (pencil icon): View, edit and re-run parameters for the report. This is helpful if the user realizes they need different report parameters after reviewing the web results.
Download: Download results in XLSX, CSV or fixed width (if applicable) formats. This eliminates the need/option to select a report format prior to running and seeing results. These reports may be opened in MS EXCEL and further manipulated with sorting and filtering as needed. Fixed reports are in a fixed-width format, generally most useful for state reporting.
Print (printer icon): A print dialog will appear based on the type of browser the user is using.