SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs


Support > Online Guides > State Specific Guide > California > Special Education Common Workflows > Reevaluation

While a child is placed in special education, a reevaluation must be conducted every three years. Reevaluations can also occur annually if the school and parents/guardians agree.

Before a reevaluation can take place, a review of existing evaluation data must be conducted. This can take place right before a reevaluation or as part of the annual plan review the year prior to the reevaluation deadline. If the REED determines that no additional data is needed, the reevaluation deadline will be pushed to three years after the determination.

Review of Existing Evaluation Data link

If a REED was not conducted during the previous annual plan review, the team will need to complete one before the reevaluation.

To conduct a review of existing evaluation data:

  1. Create a Review of Existing Evaluation Data.
  2. Develop the plan to review existing evaluation data.
  3. Share the document with relevant team members.
  4. If a data review is not needed for a specific area, you may check the not applicable box at the top of the section.
  5. Provide summaries of all the reviews and add individual evaluator's assessments as necessary.
  6. For each area, indicate if additional data is needed. If yes, specify what exactly is needed.
  7. At the end, make a final determination about whether or not additional data is needed.
  8. If additional data is not needed, provide an eligibility recommendation and add related services the child might need.
  9. Add signatures and complete the document.

Reevaluation link

If a REED determines that additional data is needed, the student will need to be reevaluated.

To complete a reevaluation:

  1. Before evaluating the student, create an Assessment Plan.
  2. Fill out the Notice section.
    • This assessment will be used to inform: Whether the child needs or continues to need special education and/or related services.
    • Explanation of why the local education agency proposes assessment: Triennial.
      • If the school and parents decided on an annual reevaluation, select Annual.
  3. Identify areas of assessment and provide a description of each assessment procedure along with who is responsible for each assessment area.
  4. Share the document with the parents so they may give their consent for their child to be evaluated.
  5. Once the parents respond, fill out the Date District Received field.
  6. Mark the document complete.
  7. Once the parents consent to an evaluation, create an Evaluation Report.
  8. Select an evaluation type of Triennial.
    • If the school and parents decided on an annual reevaluation, select Annual.
  9. There are two ways to use this document:
    • Share the document with the evaluation team and have all team members document their assessment. Click add Individual Evaluator's Assessment for each area of assessment. These evaluations may be standardized with district bank values.
    • Document assessments elsewhere and upload each assessment as an attachment.
  10. Summarize the results and make an eligibility determination.
    • Add recommendations for low incidence disability as relevant.
  11. Provide assurances and add signatures.
  12. Mark the document complete.
