SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Special Education Participation

Support > Online Guides > State Specific Guide > Illinois > Special Education Participation

Special Programs participation tracking determines whether (and key info about how) a student "participates" in a given program at any given time based on dates and content of completed documentation for any given student. Below are the documents used to calculate a student's participation in Special Education in Illinois.

If a student should be considered as participating in Special Education and does not display as such in SameGoal, inspect the table below. The student requires completed documentation that changes their participation status to "Participating". Conversely, if a student should NOT be considered as participating in Special Education but does appear to participate in SameGoal, inspect the table below to identify documentation that should be added to change the student's status to "Not participating".

DocumentDate FieldCriteriaParticipation StatusReason
Referral Form"Date Submitted:"NoneEligibility under reviewReferral
Consent for Initial Evaluation"Date" of Parent/Guardian Signature"I give consent" is selected.Eligibility under reviewConsent granted for initial evaluation
Consent for Initial Evaluation"Date" of Parent/Guardian Signature"I do not give consent..." is selected.Not participatingConsent refused for initial evaluation
Consent for Reevaluation"Date" of Parent/Guardian Signature"I give consent" under "PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT TO COLLECT ADDITONAL EVALUATION DATA" is selected.ParticipatingConsent granted for reevaluation
Consent For Initial Provision of Special Ed. And Related Services"Date" of Parent/Guardian Signature"I give consent..." is selected.ParticipatingConsent for services granted
Consent For Initial Provision of Special Ed. And Related Services"Date" of Parent/Guardian Signature"I do not give consent" is selected.Not participatingConsent for services refused
Individualized Education Program (rev 7/22)"DATE OF MEETING""Initial Evaluation/Eligibility" under "PURPOSE OF CONFERENCE" is checked and "Yes (Eligible)" under Section B and/or "Specialized instruction is required... (eligible)" under Section D/E is selected.Eligibility Under ReviewInitial evaluation determined eligible
Individualized Education Program (rev 7/22)"DATE OF MEETING""Initial IEP" under "PURPOSE OF CONFERENCE" is selected.Eligibility Under ReviewInitial IEP
Individualized Education Program (rev 7/22)"DATE OF MEETING""Annual Review" under "PURPOSE OF CONFERENCE" is selected.ParticipatingAnnual IEP Review
Individualized Education Program (rev 7/22)"DATE OF MEETING""Reevaluation" under "PURPOSE OF CONFERENCE" is checked and "Yes (Eligible)" under Section B and/or "Specialized instruction is required... (eligible)" under Section D/E is selected.ParticipatingReevaluation determined eligible
Notification of Conference Recommendations"DATE:""Is not eligible..." is selected.Not participatingStudent was determined ineligible for services
Confirmation of Revocation of Consent & Prior Written Notice of Termination of Services"In response to your ... communication of (date)"NoneNot participatingRevocation of Consent & Termination of Services
