SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Written Acceleration Plan

Support > Online Guides > State Specific Guide > Ohio > Al Workflows > Written Acceleration Plan

Written Acceleration Plan link

Each accelerated student needs a Written Acceleration Plan, which outlines the transition plan and the supports for successful implementation.

There are two types of Acceleration Plan: a generic one and one meant specifically for early high school graduation.

After a successful transition period, the acceleration becomes a permanent placement.

Subject acceleration, grade acceleration, and early placement link

To develop a WAP:

  1. Create a Written Acceleration Plan.
  2. Fill out basic information on the cover page.
  3. Indicate the type of acceleration: subject, grade, or early entrance.
  4. Click add Acceleration record for each subject area in which the student is accelerated.
  5. Fill out information about the transition. This includes where the student is transition from, where they're transitioning to, and when the transition is taking place.
  6. Summarize the strategies that will be implemented to ensure a successful transition.
  7. Assign staff members to monitor the implementation of the plan.
  8. Share the document with the parents, meet to review the plan, add signatures, and complete the document.

Once the plan is completed, no further documentation is required.

Early high school graduation link

To develop an Early High School Graduation WAP:

  1. Create a Written Acceleration Plan - Early HS Graduation.
  2. Fill out basic information on the cover page.
  3. Specify when the transition will be taking place.
  4. Select which strategies will be used to allow student to graduate on an accelerated basis and add a summary for each.
  5. Assign staff members to monitor the implementation of the plan.
  6. Share the document with the parents, meet to review the plan, add signatures, and complete the document.

Once the plan is completed, no further documentation is required.
