SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Section 504 Key Program Data

Support > Online Guides > State Specific Guide > Texas > Section 504 Key Program Data

Key data for Section 504 may be loaded into SameGoal. This helps to set Section 504 program enrollment and deadlines for students your first year with SameGoal. This data load creates "stub" documents that are filled out with only basic program information. Other fields in these documents are left blank.

Section 504 Evaluation link

In a Section 504 Evaluation document, here is a summary of the fields that are set by a KPD load, where they can be found in the document, and where the information comes from.

Field in 504 EvalLocation in 504 EvalField in KPD Load
Evaluation TypeCover page504 Evaluation Type
Meeting DateCover page504 Meeting Date

Section 504 Plan link

In a Section 504 Plan document, here is a summary of the fields that are set by a KPD load, where they can be found in the document, and where the information comes from.

Field in 504 PlanLocation in 504 PlanField in KPD Load
Meeting TypeCover page504 Plan Type
Meeting DateCover page504 Meeting Date
Describe the child's physical or mental impairment(s)Section 1Impairment
Child has dyslexia or related disorder.Section 1Has Dyslexia
Dyslexia services: Check those which applySection 2Dyslexia Services Codes
