SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Full and Individual Evaluation

Support > Online Guides > State Specific Guide > Texas > Special Education Forms > Full and Individual Evaluation

This form helps districts meet the requirements of EVALUATION PROCEDURES. It is divided into the following sections:

Cover link

This section documents:

1. Development of Evaluation link

This section documents:

The evaluation planning section allows educators to clearly document and plan whether each evaluation area requires additional data and what evaluations are needed as part of this FIE. A button in this section allows users to insert information from the most recent, completed REED for the student if one exists. This is helpful, for example, when the FIE is a reevaluation and stems from a REED determining additional data is needed.

2. Determination of Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance 2A-2H link

Areas: This section is subdivided into the following areas based on the requirements of EVALUATION PROCEDURES: EVALUATION PROCEDURES (The LEA must ensure that... The child is assessed in all areas of suspected disability, including, if appropriate, health, vision, hearing, social and emotional status, general intelligence, academic performance, communicative status, and motor abilities). Form sections are named closely, but not identical to, the areas required in the framework so as to better track with categories districts have used historically in their documentation.

Not applicable: Each area includes a "Not applicable" checkbox in the top right of its gray header bar except area "A. LANGUAGE/COMMUNICATION", which is always required.

Individual Evaluator's Assessment: Each area includes the ability to add individual evaluators' assessments.

Results and interpretations, if applicable: This textbox allows educators to document a summary of the results and interpretations of assessments made in each area, unless the area has been checked "Not applicable".

Eligibility: While a student must be assessed in all areas of suspected disability, results and interpretations will ultimately cumulate in determination of whether the student meets eligibility criteria requirements for each disability. These are documented in Eligibility Supplements at the end of the FIE.

3. Summary and Conclusions link

This section helps districts document a summary of the FIE and resulting conclusions.

4. Recommendations to the ARD Committee link

In Texas, the group of qualified professionals that determines whether the child is a child with a disability and the educational needs of the child is the child's ARD Committee per EVALUATION PROCEDURES: GROUP OF QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS. The FIE provides recommendations for the ARD committee, including whether the child meets the eligibility criteria for special education, in accordance with EVALUATION PROCEDURES: EVALUATION PROCEDURES.

5. Assurances link

This section helps districts document they have met the requirements of EVALUATION PROCEDURES: EVALUATION PROCEDURES (The LEA must ensure that....)

6. Signatures link

This section helps districts document members of the evaluation team, whether they agreed on the conclusions of the report, and allows members to enter a statement of disagreement if applicable.

Eligibility Supplements link

There are 13 eligibility supplements, one for each disability category recognized in Texas. These supplements help districts document whether students meet the explicit eligibility criteria requirements for each disability category as specified in the relevant legal frameworks:
