SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Ascender Demographics Integration

Support > Online Guides > Technical Guide > Ascender Demographics Integration

SameGoal's student/parent demographics integration with Ascender uses the Ascender Special Ed/Student Export. Most districts new to SameGoal that currently use Ascender may already have this export running for their prior special programs software; this process simply needs to be "switched over" to SameGoal.

lightbulb Tip
If your ESC hosts Ascender, you will need to contact them for help completing the steps below.

lightbulb Tip
In the event a single SSA uses SameGoal with multiple districts, the following steps must be completed once for each district. Each district using SameGoal has its own separate SameGoal instance and corresponding SFTP account.

To setup demographics integration with Ascender:

  1. Generate a keypair
  2. Sync your public key
  3. Verify you can connect
  4. Setup a nightly Ascender export
  5. Verify successful setup

1. Generate a keypair link

SameGoal SFTP accounts use public key authentication (rather than a password) to ensure secure access. Generate a public/private keypair using these instructions.

lightbulb Tip
Usually its easiest if the organization hosting Ascender (typically the ESC) generates this keypair, as it will be used by the process sending files to SameGoal.

2. Sync your public key link

Generating a keypair creates:

If you have login access to SameGoal for the district, you can add and sync the public key through the SameGoal web interface using these instructions.

If you do not have SameGoal web access for the district (common for ESC staff), you can email the public key as an attachment to from your work email account. Include district name, and our technical team will install the key.

lightbulb Tip
It can take up to 60 mins after a public key is added to sync/allow you to connect.

3. Verify you can connect link

Use an SFTP tool to verify you can connect to the district's SFTP account using these instructions. Connect information:

4. Setup a nightly Ascender export link

We recommend you setup a nightly process to extract and upload Ascender information using the following steps:

lightbulb Tip
If creating an epoch directory and uploading a COMPLETE file is difficult for some reason, you may instead:

5. Verify successful setup link

SameGoal's integration server will automatically recognize and process epochs in the format described in the last step. Once an epoch has been processed it is moved from /upload/ to /upload-processed/.

A successful setup will result in files of the following format:

If there is an issue, an error file will be included in the epoch and students.csv and guardians.csv may not be generated. For help troubleshooting, please email
