SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Data Imports/Exports

Support > Online Guides > Technical Guide > Data Imports/Exports

SameGoal data imports/exports are used to provision API access.

How to provision API access for data import/export:

1. Create an API Account link

  1. Log in to SameGoal as an administrator.
  2. Visit Settings > Data Imports/Exports.
  3. Click +add data import/export.
  4. Enter account information:
    • Import/Export Name - Integration name (typically the name of third-party vendor).
    • First Name - Primary district staff member administering API access.
    • Last Name - Primary district staff member administering API access.
    • Primary Email - Primary district staff member administering API access.
    • Additional Emails - Additional email addresses, if any, for staff members administering API access.
    • Select Export or Import.
    • Click the Add import/export button.

2. Approve TOS link

  1. The primary email address above will receive an email once the Add import/export button is clicked.
  2. Open this email.
  3. Accept the TOS.
  4. If a third-party vendor will be exporting or importing data over the REST-based API (rather than using SFTP file push), copy and paste the clientID and clientSecret*. Share them both with this vendor so that they may use API access credentials.

lightbulb Tip
This data import/export is not enabled until the primary email address holder has approved TOS.

* A Client Secret is a secret value (similar to a password) that grants a client application access to an authorization server.

3a. Configure data export (as applicable)

Configure endpoint permissions.

  1. Click +add endpoint.
  2. Select the first endpoint this export should have access to (see
  3. Update the endpoint configuration as needed for the particular integration.
  4. Click the Update button.
  5. Repeat this step as necessary for each endpoint this integration will need to access data from.
  6. Click the Update data export button. No endpoint configurations will be saved until this button is clicked.
  7. These endpoints will now be accessible to any third-party vendor if TOS has been approved.

Optionally setup SFTP file push.

  1. Click Show under SFTP Push (optional, runs nightly). Enter:
    • Host
    • Username (defaults to "samegoal")
    • Password (leave empty and ask third-party to install SameGoal's public key used by SameGoal integrations)
    • Directory (defaults to "/")
    • File Format: JSON, XML, CSV
  2. Click Update data export.
  3. Optionally click Run data export if you wish to run a manual test.
  4. The first automated file export will occur after midnight UTC.

lightbulb Tip
You will need to ask your third-party vendor for SFTP information above (host, username, etc).

3b. Configure data import (as applicable)

Configure pull locations.

  1. Click +add pull location.
  2. In the Update Pull Location dialog, enter:
    • Endpoint: Select
    • File path: File path on SFTP
    • File type: Choose CSV, JSON or XML
    • Folder: Check only when file path specified above is a folder (only relevant when endpoint uses more than one file)
  3. Click the Update button.
  4. Click Show under SFTP Pull (optional, runs nightly). Enter:
    • Host
    • Username (defaults to "samegoal")
    • Password (leave empty and ask third-party to install SameGoal's public key used by SameGoal integrations)
  5. Click the Update data import button. No pull locations will be saved until this button is clicked.
  6. These endpoints will now be accessible to any third-party vendor if TOS has been approved.
  7. Optionally click Run data import if you wish to run a manual test.
  8. The first automated file import will occur after midnight UTC.

lightbulb Tip
If vendor will make API calls, configuring an SFTP pull location is not required.

Use API access credentials link

To use API access credentials (eg instructions for third-party vendors):

  1. Visit
  2. Click the green Authorize button.
  3. Enter client_id and client_secret.
  4. Click the Authorize button.
  5. API access should now be authorized. This page can also be used to execute example API calls.

lightbulb Tip
If TOS has not yet been approved for this API access, API access will be unsuccessful.
