SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Generic CSV API

Support > Online Guides > Technical Guide > Generic CSV API

This generic CSV API allows districts to import data into SameGoal through SFTP-based CSV file upload integrations. These file layouts are also used for bulk data load as needed.

students.csv link

[download spec]

lightbulb Tip
We recommend you include all currently enrolled students in the integration. This allows staff to start evaluation documentation immediately for students when they are initially referred.

1 2-character ISO 639 language code (eg for Spanish, use "es")

guardians.csv link

[download spec]

lightbulb Tip
guardians.csv is not required. However, forms throughout the program are prefilled with student and parent/guardian demographics whenever possible. Including guardians.csv saves staff time.

users.csv link

[download spec]

lightbulb Tip
If a user has multiple roles, separate them by semicolon and separate the buildings that are associated with the role respectively by semicolon. Roles with multiple buildings should be comma separated. An example for a user who is a Special Education Teacher at North Elementary, a Related Service Provider at North Elementary, South Elementary, East Elementary, and West Elementary, and Literacy Teacher at South Elementary would have the below for Role and Buildings:

user_roles.csv link

[download spec]

CSV file generation requirements link

See the IETF CSV spec, particularly section "2. Definition of the CSV Format" for tips on generating valid CSV files. In short:

Technical details link
