SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Infinite Campus Digital Learning Partner Integration

Support > Online Guides > Technical Guide > Infinite Campus Digital Learning Partner Integration

SameGoal is an Infinite Campus Digital Learning Partner. We recommend leveraging our Digital Learning Partner integration when possible, which includes demographics, flags, and reporting integrations. Using these integrations, districts can:

Demographics integration is required for flags and reporting integrations. However, these latter integrations may be configured independently at the same or different times. To learn more, visit each integration step/method below.

lightbulb Tip
An administrative account in SameGoal is required for setup.

Add SameGoal as a Digital Learning application link

To add SameGoal as a Digital Learning application:

Demographics link

About: This integration imports student and parent demographics from Campus into SameGoal nightly using a OneRoster 1.2 connection.

Considerations: This integration must be setup first before flags and reporting integrations may be used. It sets a "sourced id" from Campus for each student in SameGoal as their "Internal SIS Student Id" (used in those integrations).

lightbulb Tip
If your district currently uses our outline link-based document viewer integration, it will no longer work after this demographics integration is configured. Your district should transition to the flags integration at the same time.

To setup demographics integration:

Flags link

About: This integration automatically sets a flag in Campus nightly for each student in SameGoal that has a "Program Participation" badge. Program participation badges in SameGoal are calculated from completed documents for each special program.

When clicked, each program flag in Campus launches a secure display of the most recent plan document for that special program in SameGoal, thereby streamlining communication and collaboration.

This integration may be configured for all supported Special Programs in SameGoal, or separatedly (eg one at a time, with different cutover dates for each program). This is helpful in the case a district uses SameGoal originally for Special Education only, then expands SameGoal use to 504, etc over time.

Considerations: There are two main ways this integration may be configured:

To setup flags integration:

1. Determine which Special Programs to integrate. This integration currently supports:

Each program flag may be included in the integration independently. For example, if your district wishes to enable Special Education immediately, then incorporate other program flags at a later date, that workflow is supported.

2. Configure flags. Flags must be configured in Campus matching SameGoal's naming convention:

For each flag:

3. Create an LTI connection. An LTI connection enables Campus users to view documents in SameGoal when a flag is clicked.

4. Confirm integration. It may take up to 24 hours for this integration to run. Once it has:

5. Remove outline-link based integration. If your district previously used outline link-based document viewer integration, outline links will no longer work.

Reporting link

About: This integration pulls state reporting data generated in SameGoal related to Special Education and Section 504 into Campus "on-the-fly" at report generation time. In Ohio, integrated reports include:


To setup reporting integration:

  1. Log in to SameGoal using an administrative account and select Settings > Data Exports > + add data export.
  2. Enter the account information (first name, last name, email) for the person administering the API Account. This is also the person who would receive emails should errors occur. Then click "Add data export".
  3. Leave the "SFTP Push (optional)" section empty and proceed to the "Endpoint Permissions" section below.
  4. Click "+add endpoint" and select the stateReporting/fd endpoint. For each of the configuration options (eg: Limit, Offset, Sort, etc), select the "Allow caller override" checkbox. For the FD endpoint, in the "Replace Unknown Fields" section, also select the "Using '@' character" checkbox. Click "Update".
  5. Repeat the previous step for all of the other state reporting end points (stateReporting/fe, stateReporting/ge, stateReporting/gq, stateReporting/ohioPreId).
  6. Click the "Update data export" button at the bottom of the screen.
  7. Check the email address entered in step two above. Accept the TOS and copy & paste out the clientID / clientSecret. Note: You must save the clientSecret during this step. It cannot be viewed again later.
  8. Complete Step 3 in Campus to create a Vertical Reporting connection. Enter the Vertical Reporting credentials received from SameGoal when prompted.
    • Base URL:
    • Token URL:
    • Client ID & Client Secret from the previous step
  9. To check the connection, run one of the reports listed above with Campus. All valid records shown within SameGoal for these reports should be reflected in Campus except when:
    • The student is excluded from state reporting (as marked in Campus). Exclusions in Campus can apply to a particular student, calendar, school or grade level.
    • A record entered in SameGoal does not fall within an enrollment period for the student entered in Campus.
    • The student is not included in the OneRoster demographics integration (a good way to quickly tell is to visit a student's "Basics" tab in SameGoal, and verify their "Internal SIS Student Id" is a long string of format XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX).

Reporting FAQs link

Does the reporting integration create stub documents? link

No. Stub documents are not required, and were only used in prior integration methods as a workaround for not having a better way to hook into the Campus reporting engine. Far better than stub documents with limited data, full plan documents can now be viewed from within Campus by clicking on the flag set by SameGoal.

Does the reporting integration include the Civil Rights report? link


Does the reporting integration include adhoc reports in Campus? link

No. Only EMIS GE, GQ, FE, FD and the Ohio Pre-ID Assessment reports will be integrated. In speaking with districts regarding existing adhoc reports in Campus related to Special Education, nearly all reports have an analog in SameGoal. Because SameGoal is the canonical source of information about Special Education and other special programs documented in SameGoal by the district, these reports are better suited to be run in SameGoal.

This may require some process change at the district-level; primarily, some district users who have not previously had access to SameGoal may need a user account and brief training on running reports in SameGoal.

If your district has any adhoc reports in Campus that do not appear to be addressed by a report in SameGoal, please contact so that we may work with you to address.
