Your My Students list can be found in the bottom left menu of the program while you are logged in. It shows all students which currently have a document on your Caseload (ie at least one starred document). Depending on the screen you are on and the student you select, choosing a student from your My Students list will allow you to either quickly bring up a list of that student's documents or jump to the same form, same section for a different student as the form you were just working on for another student.
Authoring progress reports quickly:One common way of using your My Students list for quick navigation is during progress reporting time. Rather than searching for each student individually, then opening up the progress report, then repeating, simply:
- Navigate to Student A's progress report page. Fill in progress notes.
- Select the next student you wish to fill progress for (eg Student B) from your My Students list.
- If Student B has the same type of progress report, you will be taken to the same form, same section for Student B as you were on for Student A.
- If Student B does not have a progress report, you will be taken instead to a list of documents which Student B DOES have.
- This general workflow works well for any form (eg Parent Invitations, Prior Written Notices, etc), not only progress reports.
lightbulb Tips
- You will always be taken to the most recent document for a particular form type when navigating using the My Students list.
- You may end up on a document you do not wish to currently edit for a student, if you are looking for an older document.
- To see a list of the student's documents or to choose another, you may re-select the student's name in the My Students list. A list of student documents will be shown.