SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Infinite Campus Digital Learning Partner Integration Webinar

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Infinite Campus Digital Learning Partner Integration Webinar
September 20, 2023
Last Updated: October 11, 2023

Historically, most districts using SameGoal with Infinite Campus have leveraged demographics integration and an outline link-based document viewer integration between the programs. However, program flags and state reporting were manually synced between the programs.

This new Digital Learning Partner integration sets special programs flags automatically in Infinite Campus, displays completed plan documents when clicked, and integrates state reporting data from SameGoal (eliminating manual entry).

If your district uses Infinite Campus and you are interested in switching to the new Digital Learning Partner integration, please join us on Friday, October 6th at 3:15pm EST for an Infinite Campus Digital Learning Partner Integration webinar.*

During this webinar, we will discuss the benefits and new functionality that comes with the Digital Learning Partner integration, walk through the setup steps, and have time to answer any questions.


A recording of the webinar will be posted on this page afterwards for folks who are unable to attend.

Recording and resources link
