SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Training Cleanup

Support > Online Guides > State Specific Guide > Ohio > K4 Training Guide > Training Cleanup

After training users using the K-4 Literacy Training Outline, complete these cleanup steps before conducting another training.

Cleanup link


Cleanup: Delete the user bank you created.

  1. Navigate to an incomplete RIMP.
  2. In Section A, click into the Dyslexia Screening Assessment field and select edit bank.
  3. Select the X to delete the bank.


Cleanup: Delete the documents you created during training.

  • Delete all documents for student Test001.


Cleanup: Delete the documents created by attendees on the other test students (as needed). If you have enough unused test students, you can give a different set of test students to the new attendees and leave the existing documents. If you do delete the attendees' documents, make sure you wait until they are done testing/exploring with their test documents.
