SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Manifestation Determination

Support > Online Guides > State Specific Guide > Texas > 504 Common Workflows > Manifestation Determination

When a student enrolled in the Section 504 program receives disciplinary action, the 504 team can meet to determine if the student's actions were a result of their disability. This is called a manifestation determination review (MDR).

Conducting a manifestation determination review link

Steps to conduct a manifestation determination review:

  1. Send a Notice of 504 Team Meeting to the parents. The purpose will be manifestation determination.
  2. Create a Manifestation Determination document.
  3. Provide relevant background information.
  4. Review all relevant information in the student's file, including their 504 plan.
    • See below for steps on how to document that you reviewed the student's 504 plan.
  5. Make a determination of whether the student's behavior is or is not a manifestation of their disability or a result of the district's failure to implement the 504 plan.
    • If the behavior is not a manifestation, the school may take disciplinary action in the same manner they would for a child without disabilities.
    • If the behavior is a manifestation, the 504 team must take additional steps to address the issue.
      • Determine if the student needs a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) / behavior intervention plan (BIP).
      • Review and modify the student's BIP if one already exists.
      • Remedy any deficiencies if the behavior was a result of the LEA failing to implement the 504 plan.

Steps to document a review of a 504 plan for an MDR:

  1. Navigate to the student's Section 504 Plan.
  2. Amend the document.
  3. Add an Amendment/Revision section at the bottom of the cover page.
  4. Under meeting, select "Yes" and provide the relevant dates.
  5. Click add Change.
  6. For Section Amended/Revised, enter "Complete plan".
  7. For Description of Changes, document the purpose of the amendment.
    • An example could be "Reviewed plan in accordance with MDR".
  8. If you want to add signatures, you can add an additional signature section in Section 5.
  9. Mark the document complete again.

lightbulb Tip
This is a suggested workflow for documenting a review of a 504 plan that several districts follow, however it is not required to document the review in this manner.
