Special Programs deadline tracking calculates upcoming document deadlines directly from existing documents as they are completed. Below are documents and criteria used to calculate a student's deadlines for Special Education in Texas.
Initial Workflow Deadlines
Deadline | Placed When | Due | Requirements |
1. G/T Consent for Assessment must be sent within 15 school days after referral.1 | "Gifted/Talented Services Referral Form" with "Date" populated and role of person making referral selected | 15 school days after referral ("Date") | "G/T Consent for Assessment"
2. G/T Student Identification Profile is due by March 1st of the school year of referral. | "G/T Consent for Assessment" with "Date sent" populated, "Yes, I give my permission..." selected, and signature "Date" populated1 | By March 1st following referral ("Date") | "G/T Student Identification Profile"
3. G/T Identification Determination Letter is due 10 school days after G/T Student Identification Profile. | "G/T Student Identification Profile" with "Child exhibits an educational need to receive Gifted/Talented services at this time." and "Determination Date:" populated. | 10 school days after G/T Identification Determination Letter ("Determination Date") | "G/T Identification Determination Letter"
Additional Considerations