SameGoal includes no cost updates for state and federal changes regarding Special Education. Legislative updates are often published via To The Admistrator Addressed Correspondence and TEA Special Education Webinars and Newsletters. Below are examples of more major changes (not all minor changes listed) and how they are addressed in SameGoal:
Summary: 24 frameworks were updated on or around May 16, 2022. Changes impact language on multiple forms throughout SameGoal, including disability determination reports of the REED and FIE.
Summary: Major changes to the SHARS program include new billable procedure codes and documentation requirements.
Summary: The SBOE gave final approval for updates to the Dyslexia Handbook in September 2021. The updated handbook takes effect 2/10/22. Most notably for special education documentation and processes, the updates established a single pathway for evaluation. Anytime an LEA suspects a student has dyslexia or a related disorder and may need dyslexia intervention services, the LEA must seek parental consent for a Full Individual Initial Evaluation (FIIE) under the IDEA.
Summary: By May 1, 2022, ARD committees must complete a required supplement as a written statement included in the child's IEP regarding evaluation and services provided during COVID.
Per the TAA overview, "While the required content must be included with the written statement of the IEP, the specific location and format of the information may be determined locally." Because districts are implementing for school year 2022-23, we expect LEAs have already met this requirement. For those LEAs that implement prior to May 1, 2022 and must meet this requirement, we recommend entering this information as deliberations within the IEP.
Summary: SPPI-11 and SPPI-12, formerly reported in aggregate through TEAL, will now be reported on a per-student basis through the TSDS Child Find (CF) collection.
Summary: Students that do not pass STAAR tests in certain grades and subjects require an advanced learning committee (ALC) and accelerated instruction.
Per TEA HB 4545 FAQs, the ARD committee serves as the ALC for special education students. Per question 84, "Decisions made by the ARD committee must be documented in writing. This may be included in the deliberations section of a student's IEP or as supplemental attachment." We recommend LEAs add an ALC district bank template that can be inserted into deliberations.
Summary: Language acquisition of each child eight years of age or younger who is deaf or hard of hearing must be regularly assessed using a tool or assessment. The TSDS SELA collection includes data for children that meet the following criteria: