SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Service Log Export

Support > Online Guides > Technical Guide > Service Log Export

Districts may optionally use SameGoal for service capture. When services are logged in SameGoal, service logs automatically transfer nightly to your third-party Medicaid billing software system. An additional servicelog.csv file is generated and included in the services capture and medicaid integration.

Generic API CSV Files

General Considerations

Generic API CSV files link

iep_service_logs.csv link

evaluation_service_logs.csv link

General Considerations link

Overview link

SameGoal provides service capture. Service logs can be exported to a third-party SHARS vendor for reimbursement.

Scope of service capture link

Service capture categories link

Services can be divided into two main categories:

Service capture forms link

In accordance with the categories above, providers document service logs in SameGoal using two forms:

Service log export criteria link

Providers document service logs in SameGoal using two forms:

The service log export criteria differs for each form for several key reasons:

It is at the discretion of each SHARS vendor to determine for their own system:

Service log to SHARS crosswalk link

SameGoal service capture is designed to provide a simple user interface that:

The following resource summarizes SHARS eligible service log data scenarios that may be captured in SameGoal, and the resulting expected procedure codes and modifiers:

Service log to SHARS crosswalk
