Districts may optionally use SameGoal for service capture. When services are logged in SameGoal, service logs automatically transfer nightly to your third-party Medicaid billing software system. An additional servicelog.csv file is generated and included in the services capture and medicaid integration.
Generic API CSV Files
General Considerations
- This file includes one row for each IEP related service logged for a given student.
- Each service log is documented using the "IEP Service Log" form.
- Fields:
- Log ID. Service log ID number.
- Document ID. Document ID of "IEP Service Log" form this log is linked to.
- Student ID. Student ID number (eg: 555555).
- Service Date. Date service rendered (MM/DD/YYYY).
- Service. Service provided. Only services below are SHARS-eligible:
- 'Audiology therapy'
- 'Occupational therapy'
- 'Physical therapy'
- 'Speech therapy'
- 'Counseling'
- 'Psychological services'
- Start Time. Time service started (HH:MM AM/PM).
- End Time. Time service ended (HH:MM AM/PM).
- Duration Mins. Time elapsed between start and end time in minutes.
- Time Away Mins. Time away in minutes.
- Total Time Mins. Total service time (duration less time away) in minutes.
- Setting. Setting service was provided in (enum: 'Individual', 'Group').
- Delivery. Service delivery method (enum: 'In person', 'Remote school-based setting', 'Remote other').
- Student Observation. Student observation.
- Student Observation Other. Student observation provided when Other is checked.
- Primary Activity. Primary activity during session, if applicable.
- Goal/Objective. Related IEP goal/objective, if applicable.
- Progress. Student progress, if applicable.
- Session Notes. Session notes, if applicable.
- Provider Type. All provider types below except Other are SHARS-eligible when allowed for a particular service:
- 'Licensed audiologist'
- 'Licensed audiology assistant'
- 'Licensed therapist'
- 'Licensed therapy assistant'
- 'LPC'
- 'LCSW'
- 'LMFT'
- 'RN'
- 'APRN'
- 'LVN'
- 'LPN'
- 'Licensed psychiatrist'
- 'Licensed psychologist'
- 'LSSP'
- 'Other'
- Provider Name. Provider name.
- Provider Title. Provider title.
- Provider Signature. Whether provider electronically signed the service log (enum: 'Yes', 'No').
- Documented in Seven Days. Whether provider indicated the service log was entered in SameGoal within seven days of providing the service; or, if not, whether a physical service log was made within seven days that has been retained in the event of an audit (enum: 'Yes', 'No').
- Do Not Bill. Whether provider indicated do not bill (enum: 'Yes', blank).
- Do Not Bill Reason. Reason provider indicated do not bill, if applicable.
- Do Not Bill Reason Other. Reason provider indicated do not bill, when Other is checked.
- This file includes one row for each evaluation related service logged for a given student.
- Each service log is documented using the "Evaluation Service Log" form.
- Fields:
- Log ID. Service log ID number.
- Student ID. Student ID number (eg: 555555).
- Service Date. Date service rendered (MM/DD/YYYY).
- Service. Service provided. All services below except Other are SHARS-eligible:
- 'Audiology evaluation'
- 'Audiometry evaluation'
- 'Hearing aid check'
- 'Hearing aid check-one ear only'
- 'Pure tone audiometry'
- 'Pure tone audiometry-one ear only'
- 'Speech audiometry threshold'
- 'Speech audiometry threshold-one ear only'
- 'OT evaluation-low complexity'
- 'OT evaluation-medium complexity'
- 'OT evaluation-high complexity'
- 'PT evaluation-low complexity'
- 'PT evaluation-medium complexity'
- 'PT evaluation-high complexity'
- 'Physician services'
- 'Psychological testing'
- 'Speech fluency evaluation'
- 'Speech sound production evaluation'
- 'Speech sound production evaluation and language comprehension and expression evaluation'
- 'Behavioral and qualitative analysis of voice and resonance'
- 'Other'
- Start Time. Time service started (HH:MM AM/PM).
- End Time. Time service ended (HH:MM AM/PM).
- Setting. Setting service was provided in (enum: 'Individual', 'Group').
- Delivery. Service delivery method (enum: 'In person', 'Remote school-based setting', 'Remote other').
- Student Observation. Student observation.
- Student Observation Other. Student observation provided when Other is checked.
- Session Notes. Session notes, if applicable.
- Provider Type. All provider types below except Other are SHARS-eligible when allowed for a particular service.
- 'Licensed audiologist'
- 'Licensed therapist'
- 'Licensed physician'
- 'Licensed psychiatrist'
- 'Licensed psychologist'
- 'LSSP'
- 'Other'
- Provider Name. Provider name.
- Provider Title. Provider title.
- Provider Signature. Whether provider electronically signed the service log (enum: 'Yes', 'No').
- Documented in Seven Days. Whether provider indicated the service log was entered in SameGoal within seven days of providing the service; or, if not, whether a physical service log was made within seven days that has been retained in the event of an audit (enum: 'Yes', 'No').
- Do Not Bill. Whether provider indicated do not bill (enum: 'Yes', blank).
- Do Not Bill Reason. Reason provider indicated do not bill, if applicable.
- Do Not Bill Reason Other. Reason provider indicated do not bill, when "Other" is checked.
- FIE Type. Type of FIE service was performed for, if applicable (enum: 'Review FIE', 'Initial FIE').
- Student Qualified. If service was performed for an initial FIE, whether student qualified for special education (enum: 'Yes', 'No').
SameGoal provides service capture. Service logs can be exported to a third-party SHARS vendor for reimbursement.
- SameGoal service capture includes both billable and non-billable services.
- SameGoal service capture enables logging of all SHARS billable service encounters, except for:
- Personal care services - districts typically capture via other means
- Nursing - districts typically use a separate nursing program
- Transportation - districts typically capture via paper logs
Services can be divided into two main categories:
- IEP Services - Services ordered in the IEP.
- These services are typically performed on a regular interval throughout a given IEP (eg therapy, counseling).
- The person or people providing each type of service remains mostly the same over the course of an IEP.
- Each service should directly fulfill an ordered service need in the IEP.
- Service fullfillment is most easily tracked on a per IEP basis
- Evaluation Services - Services used in the course of evaluation.
- The need for an evaluation service may not be documented before it is performed.
- These services are typically performed on a one-time, as needed basis.
- Each type of evaluation service is typically performed by a different person.
In accordance with the categories above, providers document service logs in SameGoal using two forms:
- IEP Service Log
- This log documents all services of a certain service type for a given student for the duration of a particular IEP.
- Each encounter is entered in the document as a running record.
- The document remains incomplete until all services of a particular service type for the IEP have been rendered.
- Evaluation Service Log
- Each encounter is entered as a single, standalone document.
- Each document is immediately marked complete once the service has been logged.
Providers document service logs in SameGoal using two forms:
- IEP Service Log - Each individual service log is exported, irrespective of:
- Whether the full document is marked complete.
- Whether all other fields in the service log are entered and valid.
- Evaluation Service Log - Each document captures only ONE service log.
- This service log will be exported when the document is marked complete.
- In order to mark the document complete, all fields in the service log must be entered and valid.
The service log export criteria differs for each form for several key reasons:
- IEP Service Log
- This is a running record left incomplete until all services of a given type are rendered for the IEP.
- This form is likely to be used for non-billable as well as billable services. When services are non-billable, providers may choose to not enter complete service information, depending on the use case.
- Evaluation Service Log
- This document is expected to only be used when logging SHARS billable services.
- For this reason, SameGoal can reasonably expect all service information should be entered and valid prior to the document being marked complete.
It is at the discretion of each SHARS vendor to determine for their own system:
- What services to import (eg all; or billable only)
- Under what criteria those services are imported (eg when any information is contained in the log; or only when certain fields are populated; or only logs fully complete and valid; etc)
SameGoal service capture is designed to provide a simple user interface that:
- Can be easily used to log billable and non-billable services alike.
- Captures enough information in each service log to subsequently allow a district's SHARS vendor to determine the procedure code and modifiers needed for SHARS billing reimbursement, when applicable. These service capture requirements are informed by the SHARS Handbook.
The following resource summarizes SHARS eligible service log data scenarios that may be captured in SameGoal, and the resulting expected procedure codes and modifiers:
Service log to SHARS crosswalk