SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Skyward Document Viewer Integration

Support > Online Guides > Technical Guide > Skyward Sms > Skyward Document Viewer Integration

This integration adds a single PDF attachment for a student named "Special Programs" when the student participates in one or more special programs. This PDF provides links to a "document viewer" screen of each special program plan document in SameGoal, including a dropdown to view all attachments and additional views (including at-a-glance summary views).

To setup document viewer integration with Skyward SMS:

In Skyward link

Add a new attachment type:

  1. Add a new attachment type named "SameGoal" with description "Special Programs Documentation".
  2. Grant appropriate users access to this attachment type.
  3. Create a web application account for SameGoal with the permission to upload an attachment to the "SameGoal" attachment category.

In SameGoal link

Visit Settings > District Information > Details tab in SameGoal using an administrative account. Scroll down to find Skyward SMS, and click the add Document Viewer button. Complete the following fields:

This integration runs nightly. PDF attachments should appear the following morning.
