Special Program deadlines tracking calculates upcoming document deadlines directly from existing documents as they are completed. You can see deadline information for students who you have an educational interest in.
A student's Deadlines tab displays a table with all upcoming deadlines, past due deadlines, and any skipped documents or errors. The deadlines table includes:
If there are any incomplete documents that would affect deadlines if they were to be completed, they will be listed above the deadlines table.
A program participation icon displays throughout the application next to any student when they currently participate in a given program (as determined from the Programs tab). If there are upcoming or missed deadlines for a student, a deadline indicator will appear on the top right corner of the associated program participation icon. Red dots indicate missed deadlines, orange dots indicate a deadline due within the next 7 days, and yellow dots indicate due dates within 30 days. Additionally, when you hover over the program participation icon, you will see a summary of all deadlines for the program.
Users on the Pro or Plus edition on SameGoal have access to the deadlines calendar in the left menu. This calendar displays all deadlines that are assigned to you. Administrative users may view deadlines for all students in their district and non-admin users may see all deadlines for students who they have an educational interest in by selecting All.
You may view deadlines by day, week, or month, as well as in a chronological list format. You can also filter the deadlines by deadline, building, and grade.
Clicking on a deadline in the calendar will display additional information including which student it's for, which document the deadline was determined from, and what is required to satisfy the deadline.