SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

RTI Plan

Support > Online Guides > State Specific Guide > Pennsylvania > Rti Workflows > RTI Plan

There are two RTI/MTSS Plan forms in SameGoal; one for Tier 2 and one for Tier 3. The Tier 2 and Tier 3 documents are very similar but are kept separate to help track a student's movement between tiers.

A student may have multiple RTI Plan documents open simultaneously if they are in different tiers in different subjects/areas. In this case, they would have a Tier 2 RTI Plan and a Tier 3 RTI Plan.

However, only one document is needed per tier. For example, if a student is receiving tier 2 interventions in multiple subjects, all tier 2 interventions can be tracked in a single Tier 2 RTI Plan document.

RTI Plan link

To create and author an RTI Plan:

  1. On a student's Documents tab, create an RTI Plan. Select the appropriate tier based on the interventions the student is receiving.
  2. Enter in Meeting Date, Start Date, and End Date according to district policy.
    • Some districts create one plan document per tier for the entire school year and some districts choose to create a new plan document every 6-9 weeks.
  3. Provide relevant background information.
  4. In the Interventions/Accommodations section, click add Intervention for each target area of concern.
  5. Detail intervention, goal and progress monitoring information in the Intervention section.
  6. Click add Accommodations and enter in accommodations the school is using to help support the student in a Tier 1 setting for state and districtwide assessments.
    • In Districtwide Assessments, only click add District Assessment if the student will participate in a standard assessment with accommodations, participate in an alternate assessment, or not participate in an assessment due to exemption.
  7. In the State Assessments section, for each assessment type, indicate whether the student will participate with or without accommodations. If they will participate with accommodations, provide accommodation details. Select whether the student will participate in the PASA. Fill out the ACCESS for ELs sections if applicable. Provide local assessment infomration.
  8. Provide any other relevant information in Additional Information or Considerations.
  9. Summarize all decisions and interventions in Discussion Summary.
  10. Add signatures.
    • If your district requires it, be sure to include the parent/guardian signature.
  11. Mark the document complete.

Workflow Options link

Depending on what your district policy is, there are a couple of typical workflows you could follow.

  1. Create one Plan document per tier for a given school year:
    • Create an RTI plan document for the year.
    • Set the End Date to be at the end of the year.
    • Fill out the rest of the Plan document.
    • Complete the Plan document.
    • At the end of the year, complete a Follow-Up document.
  2. Amend the Plan document every 6-9 weeks:
    • Create an RTI Plan document.
    • Set the End Date to be 6-9 weeks after the Start Date.
    • Fill out the rest of the Plan document.
    • Complete the Plan document.
    • At the end of the 6-9 week period, add an amendment.
    • Add a new amendment section.
    • In the amendment section, enter a new End Date an additional 6-9 weeks in the future.
      • Do not change the original End Date
    • Update the Plan as necessary.
    • Complete the document again.
    • Repeat.
    • A new Follow-Up deadline will be calculated to be 15 school days after the most recent End Date.
    • A new Plan and Follow-Up must be created every year, so you cannot enter an End Date more than 1 year after the Start Date.
  3. Create a new Plan document every 6-9 weeks:
    • Create an RTI Plan document.
    • Set the End Date to be 6-9 weeks after the Start Date.
    • Fill out the rest of the Plan document.
    • Complete the Plan document.
    • At the end of the 6-9 week period, Complete a Follow-Up document.
    • As needed, create a new Plan document for the next 6-9 week period.
