We've had several updates and new features come out during the first half of the school year. Please find a list with links to learn more below.
Student ID Filter - Users can type in a comma separated list of student ID numbers to view only the students they wish to update. Learn more.
Date Range Filter - Admin users can view a specific date range (eg the previous school year) when transferring documents. Learn more.
Form Filter - Users can type to search for forms, and select multiple forms at once. For example, users may visit Caseload (left menu), select only IEP, ETR, and Progress Reports, then share or transfer only those documents in bulk quickly and easily. Learn more.
Bulk Update Collaborators - Using the new filters listed above, users may now update both collaborators and owners from the Update Collaborators link in the Share dropdown menu. In conjunction with filtering options, this allows for faster sharing and transferring of documents. Learn more.
Recent OH Form Functionality Updates - Updates have been made for some of OH forms (ie PNP, 504 EMIS at a Glance, and WEP) to make them more useful for users. Learn more.
Improved Access to Deleted Documents - Users can now view deleted documents from any list page throughout the application. Learn more.
Ohio EMIS Updates FY23 - SameGoal supports the GE, FE, GQ and FD records for Special Education. The Ohio Department of Education updated the EMIS manual for the FY23 school year; these changes are reflected in SameGoal. Learn more.