SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Additional Print Views

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Workflow Highlight: Additional Print Views
January 31, 2025

Documents can be printed or downloaded easily from SameGoal, and some documents, depending on the form type, also have additional print views. These read-only additional views pull in a subset of information from the main document intended to help users save even more time.

Additional Print Views

Additional Print View Examples link

Document at a Glance: This view contains high-level information from a plan document (e.g. IEP, Services Plan). It is intended to be used by general education teachers and typically contains goals, objectives, services, and testing information.

State Reporting at a Glance: This view contains state reporting related information for a given document. It often includes state reporting codes rather than long-text descriptions and is optimized to help state reporting coordinators verify information or enter it in other systems quickly.

Sharing 'At a Glance' Views with General Education Teachers link

There are a few ways for a general education teacher to access an At a Glance view:

Bulk Print Additional Views link

Additional views of documents can be bulk printed (or bulk downloaded). This can be helpful, for example, if you need to print state reporting information to keep in a student’s file.

The important thing to remember when bulk printing additional views is to only select documents of a given form type. For instance, if you want to bulk print IEP at a Glance, when you’re selecting documents to bulk print, you should only select IEPs.

To bulk print additional views:

  1. Navigate to a document list page, such as your Caseload or the All list.
  2. Use the Form filter to search for documents of a given form type.
  3. Use other filters as needed to further refine your search.
  4. Click on the printer icon in the top right.
  5. Choose the additional view you would like to bulk print.
  6. On the print preview screen, you may choose to print all, download all as a single file, or download each as a .zip file.
