Documents can be printed or downloaded easily from SameGoal, and some documents, depending on the form type, also have additional print views. These read-only additional views pull in a subset of information from the main document intended to help users save even more time.
Document at a Glance: This view contains high-level information from a plan document (e.g. IEP, Services Plan). It is intended to be used by general education teachers and typically contains goals, objectives, services, and testing information.
State Reporting at a Glance: This view contains state reporting related information for a given document. It often includes state reporting codes rather than long-text descriptions and is optimized to help state reporting coordinators verify information or enter it in other systems quickly.
There are a few ways for a general education teacher to access an At a Glance view:
Additional views of documents can be bulk printed (or bulk downloaded). This can be helpful, for example, if you need to print state reporting information to keep in a student’s file.
The important thing to remember when bulk printing additional views is to only select documents of a given form type. For instance, if you want to bulk print IEP at a Glance, when you’re selecting documents to bulk print, you should only select IEPs.