SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

Programs Participation Tracking

Support > Online Guides > User Guide > Programs Participation Tracking

Special Program participation tracking determines whether (along with key info about how) a student "participates" in a given program at any given time (e.g. Special Education, Section 504) based on dates and content of completed documentation in SameGoal for any given student. You can see program participation information for students who you have an educational interest in.

There are three main areas of the application for Special Programs participation tracking:

To view and update document and relevant fields:

  1. Visit the student's program page you wish to update.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow to the right of the Document and relevant fields column.
  3. Click the link you wish to update.
  4. If updates, that are not an amendment, need to be made, mark the document incomplete.
  5. Once updates have been made, mark the document complete.

lightbulb Tip
: To view data issues, click the Show data issues link at the top right above the table.

lightbulb Tip
: Links under the Documents and relevant fields column are visible based on the user's user group permissions. Administrative users can view and incomplete all documents.
