Modern Special Education management
SameGoal streamlines your special education workflow with real-time collaborative editing, electronic signatures and built-in chat. Work together as a collaborative team anytime, anywhere, including parent meetings.

Real-time collaboration
Real-time collaboration
Work on the same documents at the same time with other colleagues without worrying about losing data. Add individual goals, evaluations and progress notes easily while co-workers modify other fields throughout the document.
Share documents with parents
Share documents with parents electronically to view and sign. Works on laptops, tablets and phones. Especially helpful for parent meetings held online or over the phone.
Share documents with parents
Instant document checks
Instant document checks
View and resolve missing, inconsistent and non-compliant document data in real-time. Prevent documents from being completed until all checks pass.
Stay compliant
SameGoal includes all required, optional and model Special Education forms published by your state department of education to help districts, above all, remain compliant. As state and federal Special Education requirements evolve, SameGoal makes changes in lock-step.
Manage with ease
Special education directors view documents district-wide, leverage powerful administrative reports and extract state reporting data to oversee and steer special education at their district. Automatic program participation and deadline tracking helps administrators ensure compliant documentation is completed on time.
Streamline support
Embedded state and federal guidance, 24x7 online guides and helpdesk access for all users helps staff get high-quality answers to questions quickly while freeing up valuable administrative time for special education directors.

Top questions about SameGoal Special Education
Can I integrate SameGoal with my student information system?
Yes. SameGoal can be configured to import student/parent demographics from your SIS nightly and display completed documents directly in your SIS for easy daily access by general education staff.
Can I extract data for state reporting?
Yes. SameGoal includes data reporting extracts for each state in state-specific file formats. Bulk import special education state reporting data into your SIS if your SIS includes this support, or upload directly to your state's data reporting application.
What are SameGoal's system requirements?
SameGoal is a web application that supports the current and previous version at any given time of all major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari. Work from any device that runs these browsers, including laptops, tablets and phones.

Learn how SameGoal can help your district.